The Medical Research Council (MRC) National Survey of Health of Development (NSHD) is an ongoing cohort study involving 5,362 men and women born in England, Scotland and Wales, who have been followed up since their birth in March 1946. Over the 70+ year follow-up, study participants have provided information about their health and life circumstances, and taken part in a wide range of tests of their physical, cognitive and mental health, including the Insight 46 neuroscience sub-study, which links brain scan images to neurological and sensory tests, amongst others.
The scientific mission of the Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, which manages the NSHD, is the discovery of life course influences on normal and healthy ageing, and the promotion of healthy ageing.
The study members right to privacy, and the ethical conduct of all researchers accessing the data, must be guaranteed.
Data Sharing in NSHD
There are 3 parts which make up the MRC National Survery of Health and Development data sharing infustructure.
NSHD Showcase
The Showcase is a data discovery platform. You can search for variables and see distribution plots, all without any login.
Condor is the data sharing platform with around 35,000 variables. If you would like to request variables, then you will need to use Condor to build baskets. All user’s information and baskets have been migrated from the old system. If you are a new user, you will need to register.
Skylark contains data access information. This site contains a copy of the questionnaires, topic information on the variables and all the forms you need to make a data application. It also includes help guides for the Showcase and for Condor.
The update of the NSHD data sharing infustructure is part of the Metadata Enhancement Project.
Explore the data
About NSHD



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