Data Access Flow Chart

SST: Science Support Team
TRE (DSH): Trusted Research Enviroment (Data Safe Haven)
NOP DSH account: No outbound privileges Data Safe Haven account
IG induction training: Information Governance induction training
LHA: Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, UCL
DSA: Data Sharing Agreement
Flow Chart ProcessProcess
Flow Chart System_DatabaseSystem/Database
Flow Chart DecisionDecision
Info i

All project applicants must provide their signed confidentiality form before the project can progress to the next step (share creation).

DSA must be provided before access to data is given.

Researcher looks at data variables available(data discovery platform)Showcase on theStartEndResearcher registers for(data sharingCondor platform) account andemails SST to confirmResearcher creates a basket inCondorwith variables of interestResearcher submits (new) data access request including basket ID onthe formSST creates a share within the UCLs TRE (DSH)SST requests NOP DSH account on Researchers behalf and deposits data in their shareLHA Science Support Team reviews dataaccess requestAccess request approved?SST requests furtherinformation from the researcherResearcher considersthe requestSST emails Researcher to provideDSA (if applicable) andsigned confidentiality formSST emails Researcher to provideData SecurityAwareness Training CertificateDSH Team emails Researcher an invite to IG induction trainingResearcher is given access to their NOP DSH account & LHA dataSST reviews registrationNoMax 30 daysYes