Around 2,900 study members have given consent for DNA to be extracted from blood and / or buccal samples and LHA was given ethical approval in 2007 to use these samples for genetic studies of lifelong health and ageing.
Genetic studies help us to elucidate biological mechanisms of ageing and understand why people with similar life experiences age differently.
The NSHD DNA Repository supports high calibre studies of human health and disease that make the best use of the genetic resource in conjunction with the existing life course data.
In summary, DNA samples have been collected at three time points:
- Buccal (N=2918) and blood (2717)
- Extraction using Gentra Puregene kit (Swallow)
- Blood (1777)
- Extraction using Autopure DNA extraction robot (MRC Epi)
- Blood (1912)
- Extraction using Autopure DNA extraction robot (MRC Epi)
Genotyping has been conducted primarily using the blood DNA from age 53 years, this includes single SNP typing, SNPlex and Sequenom, cardiometabochip, the new Illumina DrugDev consortium array and the updated NeuroX2 array. The buccal DNA has since been quantified (GenProbe in 2013) and will be used for future genotyping.
Further information on access to the NSHD DNA Repository is available.