Drinking (alcohol)

The diet diaries collected in 198219891999 and 2006-10 gathered specific information on the quantities of alcohol consumed.

In addition to the diet diaries, in 198919992006-10, 2014-16 and 2022-24, the number of measures of alcohol drunk in the last seven days were self-reported in terms of spirits, wine and beers.

Variable 1989 1999 2006-10 2014 2022x
Have you drunk alcohol in the last year? dralc99 dra09 DRA14x DRA22x
In the last 7 days have you had any spirits or liqueurs? drsp99 drs09 DRS14x DRS22x
How many measures of spirits or liqueurs have you had in the last 7 days? drspt89 drspt99 ndrs09 NDRS14x NDRS22x
In the last 7 days have you had any wine, sherry, martini or port? drwn99 drw09 DRW14x DRW22x
How many measures of wine, sherry, martini or port have you had in the last 7 days drwin89 drwin99 ndrw09 NDRW14x NDRW22x
In the last 7 days have you had any beer, lager, cider, or stout? drbe99 drb09 DRB14x DRB22x
How many half pints of beer, lager, cider, or stout have you had in the last 7 days drbee89 drbee99 ndrb09 NDRB14x NDRB22x


The CAGE PDF Icon questionnaire, a tool for detecting alcoholism, was also asked in the first three of these sweeps1), with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test2), a ten-question screening tool to pick up the early signs of hazardous and harmful drinking and identify mild dependence, being used in the most recent collection.

The Present State Examination asked in 1982 also contains a question about drinking.

Alcohol consumption was asked as part of the COVID questionnaires 2020-21.

Obtaining the standard drinking variables

  • You can obtain a list of the standard topic variables to use in an NSHD data sharing request by selecting the link at the end of this page.

HTML version of the standard variables to view


1) see Ewing JA; Detecting alcoholism. The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA. 1984 Oct 12;252(14):1905-7

2) (PDF Icon AUDIT: WHO)