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mrepo:topics:adulthealthbehaviours_drinking [07/03/2018 @ 12:18] – [Drinking] adammooremrepo:topics:adulthealthbehaviours_drinking [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-The diet diaries collected in [[questionnaires:1982|1982]], [[questionnaires:1989|1989]], [[questionnaires:1999|1999]] and [[questionnaires:2009|2006-10]] gathered specific information on the quantities of alcohol consumed.  
-In addition to the diet diaries, in [[questionnaires:1989|1989]], [[questionnaires:1999|1999]], [[questionnaires:2009|2006-10]] and [[questionnaires:2015|2014-16]], the number of measures of alcohol drunk in the last seven days were self-reported in terms of spirits, wine and beers. 
-\\  The **CAGE** questionnaire was also asked in the first three of these sweeps(( (see Ewing JA; Detecting alcoholism. The CAGE questionnaire. JAMA. 1984 Oct 12;252(14):1905-7) )), with the **Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test**(( (AUDIT: WHO) )), a ten-question screening tool to pick up the early signs of hazardous and harmful drinking and identify mild dependence, being used in the most recent collection. 
-The **[[mentalhealthandwellbeing|Present State Examination]]** asked in [[questionnaires:1982|1982]] also contains a question about drinking.  
  • mrepo/topics/adulthealthbehaviours_drinking.1520425104.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 years ago
  • by adammoore