[[:wiki:Home|{{:MRC-LHA-header-graphic.png}}]] This table contains variables related to Diabetes and other topics broken down by year. You can find out more about these variables in Skylark. ^Variable^1982^1989^1999^2009^ |Height |HT50U |HT52U |HT53U |HT57U |HT61U |HT66U |HT72U |HT82U |HT89U |HT99U |htn09 | |Weight |WT50U |WT52U |WT53U |WT57U |WT61U |WT66U |WT72U |WT82U |WT89U |WT99U |wtn09 | |BMI |BMI50U |BMI52U |BMI53U |BMI57U |BMI61U |BMI66U |BMI72U |BMI82U |BMI89U |BMI99U |bmi09 | |Diagnosed with diabetes |DIAB82 |DIAB89 |DIAB, DDOCTOLD, endo99, DIABEC, DIABTY, DIABRE|DIAB09, DDIAB09 | |Use of diabetes pills | |PDIAB89 |b06199a |DIABT09 | |Use of insulin ||||DIABI09 | |Fasting glucose ||||GLUCOSE09 | |Serum total cholesterol | | |CHOL99n |CHOLESTR09 | |Serum LDL cholesterol | | |LDL99N |LDL09 | |Serum HDL cholesterol | | HDL99N |HDL09 | |Serum tryglicerid | | |TRIG99N |TRIGLYCE09 | |Use of cholesterol lowering drugs | | | | | |Systolic blood pressure, 1st |SBP182 |SBP189 |SBP991 |sbp109 | |Systolic blood pressure, 2nd |SBP282 |SBP289 |SBP992 |sbp209 | |Systolic blood pressure, final |SBP82 |SBP89 |SBP99 |sbp09 | |Diastolic blood pressure, 1st |DBP182 |DBP189 |DBP991 |dbp109 | |Diastolic blood pressure, 2nd |DBP282 |DBP289 |DBP992 |dbp209 | |Diastolic blood pressure, final |DBP82 |DBP89 |DBP99 |dbp09 | |Diagnosed with hypertension | |HIB89 |BPPROBS, WHTBP1 |DHIB09 | |Use of antihypertensive drugs |TREAT22 |PHIB89 |B02299A, B02499A |NMEDBP09a, PMEDBP09aP | |Smoking status |cigsta82c |cigsta89c |cigsta99c |cigsta09c | |Cigarettes smoked per day |cigno82 |cigno89 |cigno99 |SMOD09 | |Stroke |search keyword=stroke in Skylark | |selfstr09 | |Angina |Browse library: angina82, angina89, angina99 | | |DANG09 | |Heart attack |search keyword=heart in Skylark | | |DHARA09, DHARAN09 | |Other heart trouble | | | |HART09, HRTRB09 |