a swift in flight MRC National Survey of Health and Development

Data/Biological Samples Access Request Form

This form should be used to submit a data access request to the Data Sharing Committee of the MRC Lifelong Health and Ageing Unit at UCL. To enable the form to be considered we expect all sections of the form to be completed. For information on how and why we collect this information please see: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/cardiovascular/research/department-population-science-experimental-medicine/mrc-unit-for-lifelong-health-and-ageing/governance/data-sharing-privacy-notice/index

Please note that information in sections 1, 2, and 4 will be made publicly available to other researchers applying for access to NSHD data. Information supplied by you in all other sections will be treated as confidential and used solely for the purposes of processing your data application request. By submitting this form you are consenting to the disclosure of this limited set of information to other researchers. If you do not consent to this, please do not submit this form.

N.B. if your application is part of studying for a PhD, your supervisor must be named as principal applicant on the application.

When you have finshed entering information, click on the Save to file button at the bottom of the form. Make sure to save the file and send it to MRCLHA.SwiftInfo@ucl.ac.uk

Form Question Form Data

Section 1 - Public Information

Section 2 - Public Information

Section 3 - Confidential Information

Section 4 - Public Information

Section 5 - Confidential Information

Section 6 - Confidential Information

Section 7 - Confidential Information

Section 8 - Confidential Information