Questionnaires completed by the mother

The Maternity Survey (1946) was asked of the mothers and the seven full follow-ups were worded towards being asked of the mother. Indeed in 1946, 1948 and 1950 no record was made of who was interviewed; this was not added until 1952. Overall, in 95% of cases the survey was conducted with the mother, either singly or jointly with the father.

  • 1946 Maternity Study (version A and version B)
  • 1948 First follow-up
  • 1950 Second follow-up
  • 1952 Third follow-up
  • 1954 Fourth follow-up
  • 1955 Fifth follow-up
  • 1957 Sixth follow-up
  • 1961 Final questionnaire with mother

In addition to these main questionnaires, mothers were asked twice in 1953 about school absences, accidents and hospital admissions.

Topics asked of the mother

1948 1950 1952 1954 1955 1957 1961
Accidents x x x x x x x
Bedwetting x x x x
Bladder and bowel training x
Childhood diet x
Child’s habits x x
Child’s hobbies and outside interests x x
Concerns about child’s behaviour x x x x
Concerns about child’s health x x x
Concerns about child’s nervousness x
Concerns about child’s progress at school x x x
Development of child x
Domestic help x x x
Education of parents x
Educational aspirations for child x x x
Father’s work x x x x x x
Health visitor observation of marital status x x x x x x
Hospital admissions x x x x x x
Household composition x x x x x x
Immunisation x
Infectious diseases / illness x x x x x x
Meeting with child’s school x x x x
Mother’s work x x x x x x x
Number of rooms x x x x
Nurseries x x
Own or shared bathroom / kitchen x x x
Ownership of consumer goods x x x
Parental Health x
Separation from mother x
Sleep and play x
Sleeping arrangements for study member x x x x x x
Source of hot water x x x
Subsequent pregnancies x x x x x
Type and ownership of house x x x x x x
Views on child’s future employment x x